What is the capacity of slip sheets?

The capacity of a slip sheet depends on its thickness. The thicker the slip sheet, the higher the weight capacity.

Does the adhesive of Shockwatch labels lose effectiveness?

The adhesive of Shockwatch labels is extremely tenacious: once applied, they cannot be removed without damaging the part they have been affixed to. This ensures greater security, since it is difficult to tamper with them.

Is silicagel able to solve mold problems on lenses of optical instruments and cameras?

Yes, silicagel is used to protect lenses of optical instruments and cameras against mold caused from humidity. Silicagel has many applications, it is also used to protect pharmaceuticals and chimical products, food, electronic equipments, but also to protect leather from humidity.  For more information please click here



Propagroup S.p.A.Via Genova, 5/B10098 Rivoli (Turin) - ItalyTel +39 011 9507788Fax +39 011 9507808asia@propagroup.com www.propagroup.com



Propagroup S.p.A.Via Genova, 5/B10098 Rivoli (Turin) - ItalyTel +39 011 9507788Fax +39 011 9507808china@propagroup.com  www.propagroup.com

How many Gs will cause a Shockwatch impact indicator to trip?

Depending on their sensitivity, Shockwatch impact indicators will trip at the specific G level they were set for, so as to record the required impact force that the transported product has been subjected to.