Can desiccant bags be regenerated?

Propagroup strongly advises not to regenerate the desiccant bags of own production "Propasec, Propasil and Propasieve" because this procedure is not recommended by the main European and international standards. We would

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Is it possible to check the temperature goods are subjected to during transport or storage?

Yes, with the ColdMark and WarmMark temperature indicators and TrekView ambient condition recorders you can monitor the temperature goods are subjected to during transport or storage.

Should a VCI be used in contact with a product or placed at a certain distance?

Some anticorrosive VCI products, like paper and certain films, work well in contact with the material to be protected, whereas VCI diffusers, for example, do work at a distance

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How does the push & pull system for handling slip sheets work?

In order to handle slip sheets, it is necessary to use the push & pull system. This entails making a simple modification to the forklift truck. The push & pull system must be mounted

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How can you choose the right Shockwatch impact indicator?

To choose the right Shockwatch impact indicator, just consult the table containing the data to be crossed in order to identify the right level of sensitivity according to the weight of the product to be protected.

How long can VCI anticorrosive products be stored?

VCI anticorrosive products can be stored for up to a year and a half, but they must be kept sealed in the original package and not opened.