Propaflex for goods protection on pallet

Stop damages of goods on pallet with Propaflex!

  • 07 April 2017

Starting from today your goods on pallet will never be damaged with Propaflex! Propaflex is a very flexible plastic sheet, born to wrap and protect all products in roll (steel coils, cables, tubes, etc.) from

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Propaflex for cables

Propaflex for cable drums protection

  • 05 April 2017

Propaflex is the packaging solution patented and developed by Propagroup for the cable protection from impacts, atmospheric agents in general and UV rays. Propaflex can adapt easily to the round surface of cable drums thanks to its

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Barrier film Propametic

Propametic barrier film for ultraviolet rays protection

  • 17 February 2017

PROPAMETIC barrier films are very efficient for ultraviolet rays protection thanks to its internal aluminium layer. PROPAMETIC barrier films are multi-layered products obtained laminating of 3 or 4

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Desiccants for container Propadry

Propadry desiccants for freight containers with high absorption capacity

  • 09 November 2016

Propadry desiccant for containers absorbs up to four times its weight, so it has big absorption capacity. This allows it to protect goods from humidity also during long travels or storages for

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Propatech VCI Film T1500 and T3000


  • 27 September 2016

T1500 and T3000 anticorrosive VCI films offer maximum resistance, low permeability to water vapour and great transparence for easy positioning and inspection of goods. Produced with high-technology resins and through a

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Tube and pipes protection

Propaflex: perfect impact protection for pipes and tubes

  • 04 May 2016

Propaflex is an innovative product, also perfect for impact protection for pipes and tubes. Propaflex was designed and developped to satisfy the needs of the major steelmakers and the most

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