Whis is the function of dunnage bags for protection during transport Propablank?

Dunnage bags for protection during transport Propablank, once inlfated and positioned, reduces damage risk during transportation because it stabilizes the charge, limiting the movement for all the travel.    

What is the air bag for container Propablank?

The air bag Propablank for container is a bag made of air for 90% and of polyethylene only for 5%.    


Are dunnage bags necessary for securing loads?

Yes, the adoption of the appropriate dunnage bags is necessary when, during the transportation and handling of goods, it is advisable to secure the loads in order to prevent damaging the crates and to keep

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Products against impacts: which are and which are their functions?

For all companies that need to guarantee to their customers services and finished intact products is very important to solve impact problems during transportation and storage of goods.

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What are Propasheet Slip Sheet?

Slip Sheet Propasheet are pallet made in Compact Fiber that can be used instead of usual wooden pallet, thus solving problems such as nails sticking out, blocked entrywaysproducts that do not fit properly and defective construction. In this way it is possible to eliminatethe main causes of complaints about damaged materials.

Which are the advantages of using Slip Sheets?

Slip Sheet Propasheet occupy a very little space in the warehouse respect to normal pallets, they are also lightwight but in the meantime are sturdy and most of all they cost less. Slip Sheet Propasheet are also totally reclyable and do not need fumigation, guaranteeing anyway maximum hygiene.